Client Testimonial Golden Retriever Photo Session

Kind Words from Happy Clients


“I'm breathless. Your work with my Maggie is beyond beautiful. Thank you so much for the quality and quantity of time you gave to photographing her. You are indeed everything in person that your website shows. My precious Maggie left this earth in February, I still savor the amazing photos you took of her two years ago. Having you capture her life on film was the greatest investment I ever made.”


Maggie was blind and soon to go in for surgery to have both of her eyes removed so her mom contacted me for a photo session. Her mom had put scents on the doors and corners and it was amazing to watch Maggie navigate the house on her own. And even more amazing that when we went out to the small front yard she knew exactly how much space she had and went into circle-zoomies! Maggie was sweet and beautiful and her session has stayed in my heart...these kind words mean the world to me.

Testimonial_MaggieTestimonial Happy Client





Are you a happy client? Post a review on my Facebook page! I'd love to feature your photos!


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